How to Fix Sage Sbddesktop.exe Error?

sage sbddesktop.exe error

Are you feeling dazed as you are failed to get the relevant solutions to resolve the Sage sbddesktop.exe error? Don’t feel anxious as we can help you out to make the software free of the same error so that you can resume working on Sage company files.

In the following post, we have written down some of the modest solutions that you can put to resolve the Sage sbddesktop.exe error. If you are not much confident about applying these solutions, it is suggested to seek the support of experts.

What May Cause Sage Sbddesktop.exe Error?

Go through the following list of causes that might be accountable for Sage sbddesktop.exe error. If you are experiencing one of the following causes, it indicates your system has been affected by an error.

  • When the file has been infected with a virus, this may lead to an issue.
  • Due to facing issues during the installation of the Sage software.
  • Failed to run a system scan with Speed up My PC.

Also Read: How to Fix Sage 50 There is an Error Connecting to a Database? 


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How to Get Rid of Sage Sbddesktop.exe Error?

Here is a list of all the possible solutions that can be attempted to resolve the Sage sbddesktop.exe error. If you face any type of trouble, get our assistance by calling our experts.

Solution 1: Check your Email Defaults

  • Firstly, open the Sage accounts and search for the settings option.
  • Click on the Email Defaults option and then choose the Email Program drop-down items.
  • After that, choose Microsoft Office Outlook.
  • Click Apply and choose the layouts that you want to send via email.
  • Finally, choose Ok.

Solution 2: Check your Email Settings

  • The first step is to check your reports or layouts where the Sage sbddesktop.exe error is occurring.
  • Now, choose the Printers Offsets and click the Email Setup option.
  • After that, go to the Default Provider drop-down items and ensure to choose Microsoft Outlook.
  • Click the option where MAPI has been located in the report and use the default provider.
  • Finally, choose OK and close the Preview Window.

Solution 3: Downloading the Recent Upgrade

  • Firstly, look for the correct links to install the latest version of Sage.
    • Upgrade for v23.1 and below’
    • Upgrade for v23.2 and above
  • Now, double-tap on the downloaded file and choose Run.
  • After that, open the preferred report or create the layout. You will get a window to confirm the location where you need to choose Allow.
  • Next, refresh the layout if you are using the Quick Email choice. The steps to refresh the layouts have been written below.
  • First of all, choose the Settings option and click Invoice.
  • Choose the Order Defaults option under the Settings tab.
  • After that, click on Email and look for the prerequisite layout.
  • Lastly, select OK.
  • Finally, ensure to reboot the system and access the report or layout again.

Final Words!

Expectantly, you have got the required info regarding Sage sbddesktop.exe error via this informative post. This post includes all the possible causes along with the solutions to fix the same error. If in case, you are confronting the error again and again on your PC’s screen, it is recommended to get the assistance of a technician to settle down the issue. You can contact us any time to get appropriate solutions for any issue related to the Sage software.

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